Where's There's A Photo, There's A Story

Where's There's A Photo, There's A Story
Visual Story Teller

Fifty and Fierce: Celebrate Your Life with a Lifestyle Portrait Photo Shoot with Friend and Family

 Turning 50 is a milestone. It's a time to reflect on a life richly lived, filled with experiences, achievements, and the wisdom that comes with them. Yet, society often bombards women with messages about aging that can feel disempowering. Here's the truth: 50 is fantastic! It's a time to celebrate who you are and all you've accomplished.

Jean Marshall Photography

Embrace Your Age: Here's Why 50 is a Time to Shine

  • Confidence Comes with Experience: You've built a life, a career, and a network of loved ones. You know who you are and what you stand for. This self-assuredness is magnetic and truly beautiful.

  • Wisdom is Your Superpower: The lessons learned along the way have equipped you with a unique perspective. You navigate challenges with grace and make decisions with a clarity that comes from experience.

  • You're Still Reaching Your Peak: Many women achieve great things well into their 50s and beyond. This new chapter is brimming with possibilities – pursue that passion project, travel the world, or dive into a new hobby

    Jean Marshall Photography

                     Celebrate Your Milestone with a Lifestyle Portrait Photo Shoot
    A lifestyle portrait photo shoot is an empowering way to commemorate this special time. It's not about hiding wrinkles or chasing some unrealistic ideal of youth. It's about capturing your essence, your strength, and the joy of living life on your terms.

    Jean Marshall Photography

  • Focus on What Makes You Unique: Discuss your vision with the photographer. Do you love gardening? Reading in your favorite chair? Spending time with your grandchildren? Incorporate these elements to create a personalized portrait that reflects your passions and lifestyle.

  • Celebrate Your Strength and Beauty: Professional photographers know how to light and pose you in a way that flatters your natural beauty. You'll be amazed at the radiant, confident woman staring back at you from the lens.

  • Create Keepsakes to Cherish: These photographs are more than images; they're memories. Display them in your home, share them with loved ones, or create a beautiful heirloom album to pass down through the generations.

  • Jean Marshall Photography

    Turning 50 is a cause for celebration. A lifestyle portrait photo shoot is a gift to yourself – a way to honor your journey and step into this exciting new chapter with confidence and joy. So, embrace your age, raise a glass to your accomplishments, and let the world see the incredible woman you are!

    Planning and Prepping for Your Fabulous Fifty Photo Shoot

    So you're ready to capture the radiant, confident you in a lifestyle photo shoot? Here's how to plan and prepare to ensure you feel amazing and the session reflects your unique style:

    Concept and Collaboration:

    • Mood Board Magic: Think about the overall vibe you want to portray. Are you a nature enthusiast? A city dweller who loves art? Create a mood board on Pinterest or gather magazine clippings that showcase the look and feel you desire. Share this with your photographer to get them on the same page.
    • Location, Location, Location: Lifestyle shoots are all about capturing you in your element. Will it be at your favorite park, curled up with a book in your home library, or exploring a vibrant part of town? Choose a backdrop that reflects your personality and interests.

    Style with Substance:

    • Hair and Makeup: Discuss your desired look with a hair and makeup artist beforehand. If you're comfortable, go for a touch more glam than your everyday routine. Aim for natural-looking makeup that enhances your features and leaves you feeling confident. Consider a trial session to ensure you love the final look.
    • Outfit Inspiration: Pull out clothes that make you feel fantastic! Think comfort and confidence. Opt for classic styles and flattering silhouettes. Solid colors tend to photograph well, but don't be afraid of a tasteful pattern or pop of color. Remember, accessories can elevate your look. Think scarves, statement jewelry, or a hat that complements your outfit and the overall theme.

    • The Beauty Sleep Advantage: Aim for a good night's sleep before the shoot. Well-rested skin photographs beautifully.
    • Hydration is Key: Drink plenty of water in the days leading up to the shoot. Hydrated skin has a natural glow.
    • Wardrobe Check: Iron or steam your clothes to ensure they look wrinkle-free and polished on camera.
    • Accessorize with Ease: Lay out your chosen jewelry, scarves, or hats beforehand to avoid last-minute scrambling.

    On the Big Day:

    • Relax and Have Fun! This is your time to shine. Breathe, trust the photographer's expertise, and most importantly, enjoy the experience!

    Bonus Tip: Don't forget to bring a supportive friend or family member for moral support and to help with outfit changes.

    By planning ahead and focusing on what makes you feel beautiful, your lifestyle photo shoot will be a fun, empowering experience that captures the essence of the incredible woman you are at 50 and beyond!

    Most Important Don't Forget to Bring Your Friends 

    Book Your 50 and Fabulous Session Now! 